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Since then, there have been growing signs of young women rebelling against a culture that prizes erotic license over empathy and responsibility
This is the academic / journalistic equivalent of “many people are saying this!” The US hegemony is so wildly anti-sex that if you think it suffers from excessive ‘prizing (of) erotic license’ I just don’t know how to reply. Maybe certain erotic tastes are allowed / amplified to an excessive degree, but this is against a backdrop of millions more ‘erotic licenses’ getting repressed.
generational battles over free speech are often about whether freedom should take precedence over sensitivity.)
weird framing of the issue. “We aren’t discussing how language reifies certain power relationships, and manipulates the ways we understand ourselves, our desires, and opportunities. No, it’s the freedom-speaking older generations versus sensitive young adults!”
The author doesn’t describe the experience of producing or using porn, except to blame porn for exposing men to stuff that women don’t want to do. This article strikes me as what :citations-needed: would describe as the descriptive to normative shuffle. I mean by the end of it she’s literally calling for new taboos.
The article is conspicuously lacking in research – one quote from one woman at BuzzFeed, a vague TikTok trend (when? how many views? users involved?). weak
This is the academic / journalistic equivalent of “many people are saying this!”
I was going to say this:
who is quickly becoming one of the most high-profile feminist thinkers in the English-speaking world
is code for “we, the pre-eminent English-speaking newspaper, would like this to be the case and are sending the signal to the rest of the media class to give this person a platform.”
i actually remember the exact one they quoted showing up on my fyp back in the spring, as well as a few others like it. All i can say is it had a ton of likes and comments, and considering the rest of my page is all queer/progressive/communist etc I assume thats who was interacting with it but who knows