It’s the old fascist propaganda trick of imagining an enemy who is simultaneously impossibly strong and incredibly weak.
This guy is a massive ogre, a high school terror, impervious to sanction because he’s a jock and a favorite of the football coach and aware enough of his ahem privilege ahem that he can casually abuse it.
At the same time, he’s “headed straight for a lifetime of prison”, implying that he has no self-discipline or street sense. He’s operating on the low-cunning of a high school athlete and doomed to run afoul of Righteous Law Enforcement Officers. He’ll inevitably get outside the ahem safe space ahem of high school football and be exposed to the Real World where people rise and fall on their own individual merits and are held truly accountable for their actions.
The whole paragraph is just dripping with ideology. If it wasn’t so obviously reactionary, you’d almost think a :LIB: wrote it.