I’m very smart.
Ah yes, thanks to nepotism she has… a square of 22 meters side in the middle of nowhere.
Dude you can buy a whole hectare (10000 m2) of fertile soil for 10k-20k USdollars. In the middle of nowhere, of course.
Then purchasing a plot like this should cost 1k US dollars including taxes, shenanigans and shit. That’s it.
If the revolution never happens, I’d like to at least buy an hectare to plant trees so they can throw my corpse there.
Edit: Fuck, cropland it’s even cheaper in the US: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiK8ZiY7Iv0AhU0GbkGHTzNDiAQFnoECBAQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nass.usda.gov%2FPublications%2FTodays_Reports%2Freports%2Fland0821.pdf&usg=AOvVaw3NuVYpkZeYP_q7MtiYuuL4
It’s ridiculously cheap what the fuck is going on?
Idk man, I’m actually surprised how cheap farmland is in the US. Of course nobody sells anything smaller than 100 acres but what the heck a lot of weirdos would like to have a piece of land to plant trees and call “theirs” (I mean, weirdos like me)
Farmland is cheap because modern farming capital is insanely expensive (machinery, chemicals, transpo and storage). Less infrastructure out in the boonies also keeps the price low. I am a city slicker myself so don’t take my word for it, but the profit margins for small farmers have been shrinking and shrinking for decades so only giant ag corpos can compete. That’s not to mention the bullshit that large ag companies put onto small farmers to squeeze any small profit they have out of them. I’m talking John Deere prevent workers from repairing their tractors or Monsanto copyrighting seeds genetic code then suing for profits when their seeds naturally spread to small farms.