I’m very smart.
If you look close there are two ii’s – @omniiliberal vs @omniliberal, and destiny still appears to be active on the one i one here https://twitter.com/theomniliberal
I guess it could be a backup alt, but take a look at this video and this image post, if it’s him, he must have some sort of sadism/humiliation fetish because these definitely aren’t pro-destiny posts. Liv, Keffals, and few other for sure marxist friends follow them as well. It’s just weird all around, with the stuff like the Pol Pot posting. There are things that are so deep in the communist/anarchist struggle genre that I don’t think Destiny would be aware of or care about
u know what I can’t do this I need an ibuprofen. I used to have a morbid interest in his content until he had that “It’s okay to say the n word in private” debate and I just couldn’t do it anymore
Oh so you missed the whole “it’s good to run over protesters with your car if they’re blocking the road” saga