This isn’t a sequel to the 1984 film. It’s a sequel to spinoff merchandising objects and the coddled memories of kids who were too young to understand that the “Keymaster” and “Gatekeeper” bit was a sex joke. It strip-mines a nostalgia for something that never existed, as calculatedly phony as the ersatz Americana setting, shot in Alberta, Canada. “Ghostbusters: Afterlife” treats with pseudo-religious reverence the events of a movie in which a ghost blew Dan Aykroyd in a firehouse.
Fuckin Brutal. Ban all fandoms why do they keep trying to make sequels and shit to a two hour SNL sketch that has never worked outside of that one movie
Also as an addendum- TV Tropes forum is absolutely fucking insane. I talked about this movie being shit over there and the guys over there got like actually physically offended lmao :tequila-sunset:
It’s amazing to see Lady Ghostbusters be a shameless nostalgic remake of Ghostbusters with Ladies that people hate. And then Kid Ghostbusters is a shameless nostalgic remake of Ghostbusters with Kids that people adore. It’s THE SAME FUCKING MOVIE.
I hate people.
Well, that’s your fault, haha.
How is the forum? I like the site but i’m sure the forums must be full of idiots who believe recognizing tropes means they are critics.
It is the most liberal place I’ve ever seen… Fucking absurd like 2007 liberalism too which sux because I miss tradforums so much I put up with it usually
Check out the thread they got on the new Ghostbusters movie, I’m the dude with the Green Knight avatar getting yelled at by funko pop collectors for daring to ask if maybe this remake/sequel/franchise obsession we got now aint a sign of serious cultural decline
Look at my post history, my recent post about Tvtropes.
Haha, imagine saying that shows need to appeal to “both sides”. Bunch of dorks.