“You see, when it comes to climate change, we are all in the writers’ room right now, deciding how the story unfolds and how it ends. And that story can be funny, dire, hopeful or all of the above. But not every story is guaranteed a happy ending, even though that’s mostly what we see in movies. So we can’t just sit back and watch. We are not an audience. Like it or not, we are in this story.”
FDR once said: “There’s no better way to disarm the Devil than by pointing out his fly is down.” (He didn’t really say that, but how cool would it be if he had?)
Maybe some film or gif or TikTok has jostled you to think seriously about what you can do. Specifically you. Well, here’s one way to answer that question: think of a Venn diagram with three overlapping circles. In the first, put what you’re good at. (So, which Avenger are you and what are your specific super powers?) In the second, put what part of the climate challenge you want to work on. (Your mission, should you choose to accept it.)
this guy gets paid to write words. which avenger are you
It is really scary how some people think they are living in a movie. someone really needs to explain to these people that no one person, or a team of 15 avengers is going to solve climate change.
Seriously, it has moved beyond sad and into dangerous. It’s straight up delusion of a kind that’s reinforced through media and a culture of identity as consumption. These are the bazinga Sorkin equivalents of all the punisher skull suburban commandos who forget to bring can openers to their survival compounds.
I’ve been saying for awhile now that roughly 100 years of mass media consumption has broken the brains of almost every living person. More of the inputs in our minds come from falsified fictional media than from real lived experience. We simply can’t differentiate the two in our thought proceesses. The consequences of this development are unpredictable in regards to society’s ability to make rational decisions.