You aint left buddy, youre a clinton liberal who thinks hes a leftist
Studies have not found any evidence that trans athletes, specifically trans female athletes (y’know, since no one cares about disadvantages that trans male athletes might face for some reason :soviet-hmm:), outperform cis female athletes. This is all just a moral panic around femininity. Some women have higher natural levels of testosterone. Others don’t.
It just makes the news when a trans woman breaks an athletic record because our society is deeply transphobic.
plus as a trans woman you have to be on a variety of t blockers for 2 years to get your T low enough anyways. so you are already at a disadvantage to people who dont have to take miscellaneous medications. side effects to those meds can be pretty detrimental to athletic performance, too. things like dizziness and lowered blood pressure
Some women have higher natural levels of testosterone
I mean you are right, nobody really cares about athletes being born with higher testosterone levels or CO2 max I really shouldn’t even care since I don’t really watch conventional sports.
That’s how I feel about it. I don’t watch sports. When I do, they tend to be men’s sports for various reasons tied to the way our society values men’s sports more. I don’t think I’ve seen women’s sports in person since high school.