You aint left buddy, youre a clinton liberal who thinks hes a leftist
Setting aside the TERFs, I always see tons of men who feel the need to come riding in like white knights and opine about women’s sports, how they should work, and who should be allowed to participate. Like, this doesn’t effect you at all. You are just a piglet consuming your Tennis slop from your filthy couch. If they had women competing against robots or cheetas you’d be ordering that shit on pay per view, but you’re ready to lose your shit over this nickle and dime crotch phrenology bullshit. Why can’t you just be satisfied watching people strive to reach the peak of human ability? Why can’t you just watch someone set a world record and be like “damn, that was awesome!”
What would be in the interest of good sportsmanship? Sniping at all the competition to find dubious technicalities to disqualify them so you can crown yourself the best? Or getting behind everyone who’s willing to give it a shot and helping them reach excellence?
The more I think of it, the more I realize how many overlapping social forces and pathologies revolve around sports in general.