Oh, it’s never going to happen?
Damn, that sucks.
In the US you could be distributing information to discouragement military enlistment.
The US hasn’t hit an enlistment target since 2016, and that was after drastically cutting their standards over the previous decade.
You could also be helping and encouraging those currently in the military gain conscientious objector status
The bare handful of people I know who are still in the national guard are some of the most red-pilled chuds I still associate with.
And while I’ll never have a kind word to say about enlisting, much less going for officer training, there’s really not much I can tell to my friend who joined the marines (to spent most of his career guarding embassies) entirely to get the education, housing, and health care benefits. He’s better off, economically, than a number of my other friends who just got chewed up and spit out by the service sector.