I’m more thinking of Matthew 18:21-35, Matthew 20:20-28, and Matthew 24:36-51 which preach a kind of low-key liberalism and condemnation of hypocrisy, but otherwise endorse authoritarian hierarchy as normal and good.
The Old Testament was reactionary af. No denying that. But Jesus was a :LIB:
Y’all are just going to have to come to terms with that.
coming to terms with a 2,000 year old document which preaches mutual aid, caring for the poor, and judgment of those who persecute christians as a type of political system that will not exist for thousands of years
quoting an apocalyptic discourse describing the destruction of jerusalem and its temple, resulting in the deaths of thousands of jews and spread of christianity to gentiles as evidence of liberalism
ok buddy
a 2,000 year old document which preaches mutual aid, caring for the poor, and judgment of those who persecute christians
A 2,000 year old document which preached personal responsibility, denounced hypocrisy, and predicted a powerful authoritarian will set things right at some point long after you’re dead.
The Second Coming is just a Theocrat’s spin on Here’s How Bernie Can Still Win.
personal responsibility
no, that’s not a thing in the ancient world
denounced hypocrisy
of the religious upper classes yes, turns out its bad to be against healings on the sabbath and for taking the poor’s money to build beautiful temples
predicted a powerful authoritarian will set things right at some point long after you’re dead
yes that justice will be served eventually, but in the meantime care for the poor, sell your belongings to feed the hungry, and do righteousness. this is not unique to christianity
i am begging you to read liberation theology or any work that isn’t american evangelicalism bullshit
The Romanized testaments that survive to the modern era are designed to present a liberal version of theology, then.
The goal of the Catholic Church and subsequent Protestant movements was to reform the Ancient World into one accepting of aristocratic governments. And the modern Bible exists as a tool to reinforced social norms consistent with that way of life. You can put certain spins or emphases on particular verses or parables in order to extract alternative messages, but at the end of the day this book has been curated to reinforce a liberal reformist self-deterministic social philosophy. And that’s exactly what church organizations have pursued for the last five centuries, at the very least.