“I voted” flair and all. Link
Anyone who has any “concern” about Jan 6th or “accomplices in Congress” is a baby brain useful idiot
Jan 6th was the closest thing we’ve had in this country to a real in-your-face Fascist moment since the LAPD was caught on camera bludgeoning Rodney King. I don’t think its fair to say liberals being shocked awake by the event makes them “baby brained”. Just the contrary. Frustration at Team D’s refusal to take Jan 6th seriously - by failing on shit like instituting DC statehood, defending voter rights in red states, actually prosecuting media and political figures who fanned the flames, and leveraging the powers of the state to push back - is absolutely radicalizing and eye-opening.
This same person will tell you China’s genocide of the Uyghurs.
Whether you believe in the Uyghur media-babble or not, there’s virtually nothing anyone in the US government can really do about it except complain.
There are a host of policies Joe Biden could pursue right away, and Congress could have shoe-horned into must pass legislation, and state parties could be advancing in anticipation of mid-terms, that expand the capacity of liberals to organize, participate, and set future policies through electoral channels.
But if you have to bring up the Uyghurs, its worth noting that this is another thing Biden’s basically failed on. Even if you say you care, he’s not doing anything to stop this alleged genocide. No more than he’s cooking up a cure for Havana Syndrome or building a missile dome to stop Crazy North Koreans from nuking us all.
Whatever you believe about world affairs, the Dem response has been to sit on their hands and complain about the Parliamentarian. They’re clearly incapable of governing. And that alone is radicalizing.