“I voted” flair and all. Link
Being concerned at all about this means you’re an idiot who will lap up any bullshit you hear on the news, hook line and sinker. These are the people who whine about “tankies”, deep throat US imperialism. They are counter productive because they whine about how they “want the same thing” and then constantly concern troll about supporting the Empire. They are your enemy.
Because anyone who thinks like the person in the OP is not open to radicalization, full stop. They are social fascists. Trying to reach out to libs like this is how you end up with Breadtube.
If people are curious and have questions, then we should absolutely guide them along. “Reaching out” just dilutes the movement with these idiot libs and gradually gets you into reddit tier “America is fundamentally good, Socialism is wen roads and libraries and unions” bullshit. This idiot who is “ripe for radicalization” is a straight up news fanboy, completely plugged into the spectacle, and people here are deluded enough to think he will turn into a tankie. That’s how you end up with 2020 Bernie lmfao.