damn post-leftism and weird reaction name a worse duo
why am i still looking at this trainwreck i have an essay to do over the weekend :desolate:
That kid is a clown but come on, this is from 2016 when he was what, 15/16? I know I had garbage views at that age.
screenshotting a forum post under the same username as they were using on another site is not doxxing lol
I don’t know how comfortable I feel with this recent internet-wide trend of “lol this person said something dumb now let’s find out absolutely everything about them”, even aside from that the whole idea of cringe is teenage-level shit regardless.
Seriously. I was a CHUD at that age. Now I’d vote for Stalin. People can change a lot, especially when you become an adult.
At 14-15 I literally used chud mantras in regular conversation. Like “I respect them, but don’t accept them” (referring to homosexual people)