damn post-leftism and weird reaction name a worse duo
why am i still looking at this trainwreck i have an essay to do over the weekend :desolate:
Just to make clear: What I said in 2016 is clearly different than what I say in 2021. I was a cringe liberal back then - no, I was surfing /r/neet back then I think and was falling into the alt-right spiral. I don’t know what cringe stuff you’re searching about me writing in this forum I haven’t used for 5 years, but that isn’t me anymore. Going so far as to harass me on unrelated social media is also super cringe. I already quit the internet pretty much except this place due to tracking purposes of my anime list but honestly I think I’ll quit it completely. Can’t even enjoy some good Anime…wow. And as you can see of my watch history I can’t even enjoy a lot of anime anymore, because due to my far-left/post-left politics, the most thing have gotten boring and repetitive, like isekais with their pseudo-feudalism now doing everything better because they’re PoWerFuL
From their profile. Come on comrades, a radlib from a clownish internet drama they might be but there’s no need to harass them further