A short featurette from a PBS documentary from a few years ago. From the video description:
When it comes to "yellow fever,” many argue it’s a two way street. In this webisode, Asian women confess reasons for preferring white men including that they’re “more confident, better looking.” Academics unpack the reasons why, including “hiergamy,” the sociologists’ term to describe a universal female desire for marrying above one’s own socioeconomic status.
i would encourage anyone who would engage in white fever denialism here to download XHS, deny the usual permissions, then say ‘外国男朋友’ five times fast into the mic while the screen’s turned off. afterwards open up XHS again and check your results. mental colonization is still extremely prevalent even in the imperial periphery, to say nothing of the core.
that being said, incels, MRAsians and bluecheck compradors and opportunists have so poisoned the well around this topic that good faith discourse in the anglosphere has become impossible outside of black swan shit like kpop coming in and forcibly renormalizing relations, largely through a soft reset of racial and gender power dynamics in asian and asian adjacent circles. imo western based asian diaspora in general rn is a lost fucking cause, people are all either (aspiring) national bourgeoisie opportunists or militantly assimilationist lumpen. maybe if the anti-asian violence escalates there will be some semblance of introspection, but cursory extrapolation based on gender relations in the black community tells me nah.
小红书 xiao hong shu, chinese insta
demographic is mostly young women so comparative male equivalent results for shit like ‘foreigner girlfriend’ etc will be skewed you could go dumpster diving on tieba as an alternative but then you’d have to control for the 4chan/megalia levels of misandry, misogyny and racism that gets cross pollinated.
Ok in all seriousness I fucking hope this weird fetishization of crackers is only something that is solely confined to the extremely-online internet, and/or only within certain circles of the middle classes. Because unfortunately it exists deep within reddit at least, theres an entire racist sub dedicated to gay east asian men who consciously go for white dudes and scorn other east asian men because “muh superior race”.