Liberals cannot fathom people that do not want war with Russia, they can actually, but it’s republicans, because they’re all on the take from Putin. I’d bet money a lot of this is personal over Putin “putting” Trump in the white house. We’ve been beating the drum of war against Russia non-stop in the liberal media with the phony Russiagate nonsense. Now the libs are salivating over some “payback” for cheeto benito, aligning themselves with actual neo-nazis.
Liberals cannot fathom people that do not want war with Russia,
Liberals believe their tottering institutions are the only thing holding civilization together. It is literally the thin blue line mindset, but instead of for roided out freaks who tortured animals in their childhood, it’s for a bunch of decomposing septuagenarians with coffee breath and bad toupees sitting in marble buildings.
Democracy hangs on by a thread and the forces of illiberalism are battering the gates. Now is not the time to introduce any additional instability. We must trust the plan and crush anybody who threatens it. When our legitimacy is threatened, it tautologically serves the right. After all, only we are capable of ensuring the the flame of Liberal Democracy survives through the darkness of night.
They understand that people don’t want another fucking imperialist war, but they view this position as naive. The US (and by extension, Democracy itself) is a laughing stock, and it needs to put its foot down. “You’re either with us, or against us.”
It’s beginning to feel the the writers for the WWE got jobs in the US State Dept.