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Deaths from magic cars isn’t a good thing but unlike regular crashes the system can learn from it & apply that knowledge to future situations to not kill people - which is a good thing. It’s that or 50,000 lemmings doing the same asinine fuck up resulting in death indefinitely & nobody learning from those mistakes.
The systems absolutely need to be open sourced & have huge oversight though because obvi capitalisms incentives aren’t ever going to be reduce deaths as much as possible. Wonder what Elon values one life at, monetarily?
Humans are fast becoming the bottleneck - we have like 10 sensors relevant to driving & a slow ass reaction time, computerized systems can absolutely beat us out at that. Not embracing that inevitability WILL kill people.
The important thing is not killing people needlessly while we bootstrap those technologies
Also fuck cars, gimme trains
Deaths from magic cars isn’t a good thing but unlike regular crashes the system can learn from it & apply that knowledge to future situations to not kill people - which is a good thing. It’s that or 50,000 lemmings doing the same asinine fuck up resulting in death indefinitely & nobody learning from those mistakes.
This is a hell of a false dichotomy
Would fully automated cars still be bad in a modern USSR? Like I can see where capitalism is going to fuck it up but I don’t think that’s because automated cars are inherently bad
Ideally, there would just be more trains and other non-car based conveyances broadly and then some sort of ride share specifically.
In that case, I’d imagine fully autonomous cars would be better because they’d be built for safety and functionality, not advertising it as some 1000HP super car for profit and excess. They’d also be used for trips between destinations and transit hubs so I imagine the speeds would be much slower as well, which would make them inherently safer.