to preface this suggarcy is fine when it’s between 2 consenting parties (and it’s not a transaction with clear power imbalances)
But the rich assholes who think they can rent another woman’s body because they don’t want to ruin there own can ROT
good thing i did one specific instance! pls read my replies to this post, because i agree with you guys on this topic
i wrote that preface because some people do choose that route when its impossible or medically contraindicated to carry a pregnancy, and get help from like a family friend or something.
whoa, that’s a whole new sentence etc etc. i wrote that preface because some people do choose that route when its impossible or medically contraindicated to carry a pregnancy, and get help from like a family friend or something.
isn’t that called doing someone a favour? and yeah it kinda is fine
a slave definitionally doesn’t have the right to not consent to do what their told that’s what makes them a slave
yeah so does a surrogate have the right to consent to have their child taken away