It’s surreal how the current /r/place is a window into just how much more Reddit has “morphed” over the years. It always has been a hive of astroturfing and propaganda but never this blatant.
Compare this year’s to the 2017 one. Aside from the country subs and the Hammer and Sickles (which libs would now erase because R*ssia), there was hardly anything even remotely all that spicy and political. This despite Reddit tolerating cringeanarchy and gamersriseup at the time.
Say what you will about :anarcho-bottom: they’re extremely unpopular to hate on.
Only people fucking with that flag are the :corporate-art: trying to turn it gold.
I mean, conceptually sure, but if you set a police station on fire and a “lib” is still with you they’re not a liberal any more.
I’d disagree, r/politicalcompassmemes circlejerks that libleft is the worst.
Granted, it’s gen Z so of course they’ll hate anything without a GOP elephant or a swastika slapped onto it.