It’s surreal how the current /r/place is a window into just how much more Reddit has “morphed” over the years. It always has been a hive of astroturfing and propaganda but never this blatant.
Compare this year’s to the 2017 one. Aside from the country subs and the Hammer and Sickles (which libs would now erase because R*ssia), there was hardly anything even remotely all that spicy and political. This despite Reddit tolerating cringeanarchy and gamersriseup at the time.
lol i had forgotten that austr*lian contribution to the old one (to the right of the american flag). even for the fucking reddit nationalists, the best and most defining things they can think of about the entire country are a misogynistic swearword, the boxing kangaroo (fine), the logo of a cheap beer, and fucking hardware store sausages