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Honestly, what is the best way to respond to obnoxious off-topic pot-shots like that? Obviously I’m inclined to just do the same whenever the US comes up, but libs are convinced that just saying “whataboutism” is a sufficient response to any unfavorable comparisons.
And it seems similarly futile to point out that basically no country or organization actually claims outright mass murder of Uyghurs – the most you’ll get is cultural genocide, but not even the US is pulling that line anymore, instead favoring a more general claim of human rights abuses.
remember, you’re not trying to convince the :brainworms: :reddit-logo: poster, you’re trying to convince the 100 anons reading the thread
Sure, I’m just wondering what most effectively breaks through the unrelated shit-talk. If the posters find it compelling, how do I know the lurkers don’t, and vice-versa.
You don’t. Make a couple easily digestible, generic posts citing one or two sources, copy-paste them when appropriate, mute replies, and move on hoping you at least planted a seed in somebody’s mind.
For example: I wrote a short post calling Adrian Zenz a hack and citing his book about how “Gender equality is the work of the Anti-Christ” and linking to this 2018 video of Collin Powell’s chief of staff talking about how the US government could use Uyghurs to destabilize China. I also mention how the Uyghur population grows faster than the Han population and how they were exempt from the one-child policy when it was still in effect.
What response do they have to this? No clue, I have never read one.
Anytime a dumb lib screeches ‘WhAtAbOuTiSm!!!’ I like to hit them with this:
Ahh, yes, ‘whataboutism’ - a term coined by big brained westoids who don’t like their hypocrisy being pointed out when they’re virtue signaling about shit they’ve historically done exponentially worse themselves.
I turned off notifications of replies/messages on :reddit-logo: a while ago. I don’t hardly post on there or read shit that is just going to make me mad on purpose. but every once in a while, some fuckstick pukes some hot garbo somewhere I wasn’t expecting, and I’ll just sound off on them with both barrels. usually some anti-west, anti-US, anti-capitalist framing with max provocation for The Most Propagandized Country. and then I go back to my day and never look at what followed.
i see the number next to my name increase, but I never click it to see responses. I think of it as my score.
Don’t do it. It is not worth your time, believing in convincing the lurkers is just wishful thinking. They are the same liberals that despite knowing nothing about China/Russia jump on the first MSM consensus. You spend days/months trying to educate people just to see all that work lost overnight.
Honestly, I think the best way to do it is just to point out that garbage content is garbage content, no matter what your views are. It’s what I did back when Trump was president and every top sub was filled with the same lazy-ass one-line tweets from Jeff Tiedrich and Co.
“I don’t like Trump, but this doesn’t belong on this sub”
“Trump is bad, but this is just a lame tweet that’s been reposted a hundred times”
“Fuck Trump, but this isn’t good content”
It may not change them politically, but it might at least make them realize that they’re being way too hysterical by ranting about their political delusions in a place where it doesn’t belong. Anytime you can shine at least a little self-awareness on how deranged Westoids are, I think it helps at least a little and is a tiny step in getting them out of the mould.
in the translation to this situation it would be good to find a way to communicate “you’re being hysterical” without the initial concession
Oh for sure, in this particular case the initial concession isn’t necessary. I would just say something like “imagine what this site would look like if every post about something that happened in the U.S. was filled with irrelevant comments complaining about issues in American politics. That’s what you’re doing now.”
Some people in that thread actually did say something similar to that and they were surprisingly upvoted, so I think it actually is a good strategy for getting R*dditors to think and process the word “China” without immediately going berserk with their usual bullshit.