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I guess I’m just a bit naive when it comes to this, but the speed of the response was shocking
Your average boomer, millenial and zoomer has grown up in a petri dish full of anti Russian propaganda. From movies, books and video games. All the west needed to do was turn on the latent programming MK ULTRA style
Everyone surprised by this is showing their age. The exact same thing happened with Iraq. Twice.
I mean in only in my early 20s and I’m not surprised. Maybe added perspective from living in the global south? But at the same time I’m a :lmayo:, but I still knew this kind of propaganda wave by the west was very possible
Russians in movies are always criminals of one kind or another, or occasionally they are le brave liberal dissident fleeing other russians. Everything in Russia is always worn down and grey. The weather is always bad.
ever since the bolivian coup i’ve been paying attention to these episodes and honestly it’s always like this when the imperial machine starts churning: a barrage of propaganda, from the most ridiculous shit to the very plausible, and people are completely taken in
for a while, whatever the empire is targeting becomes the major topic of conversation, for every single western drone, and comments like “you know, i’ve never been supportive of/against X, but this time it just has to be done!” become very common
western people (and 3rd worlders who aren’t protected against this) will give up on every value they thought they had just so they can go along with the hegemonic narrative, just so they won’t feel like they’re wrong, or out of the norm
a while after that, especially after the empire achieves its objectives (or fails to do so, which is slowly starting to be the case more often than not), the machine slows down, and everyone forgets whatever that previously extremely important subject was, just waiting for the media to tell them what’s important and wrong once again
it’s fucking horrifying
i was reading the wikivoyage page on cuba yesterday and they had a big banner at the top warning about how the protests last summer had “died down” but tensions were still present and to be careful bc of the “extremely heavy-handed” cuban police. probably no one has bothered to get rid of it because wikivoyage is kind of dead but it reminded me of that insufferable week and the insane media push that had everyone repeating their lines. i had honestly mostly forgotten about it because the protests petered out so quick but that was a great example of what you are talking about. the media decides to tell everyone who the bad guy is this month and everyone passively absorbs and accepts it and then moves on as soon as it’s time for the new thing. bolivia, venezuela, cuba, north korea, afghanistan. this one will probably last a bit longer because of the refugees and the fact that it’s a full on war but even if it is still ongoing i bet no one will give a shit about it in 2 or 3 months now that the fighting seems like it will be mostly contained to the Donbass from here on out.