the phrasing of the headline is so awkward too.
Isn’t the only reason Elon is doing this, is because his tweets massively affect how many morons inflate his stock price.
Seriously I doubt any of this free speach malarkey is what he cares about, just protecting the only thing that keeps his company afloat.
It would be funny to see testla dominate the automative industry not by making cars or anything useful, but by controlling twitter, and making sure he stays viral…
The lords of industry and finance are attracted to media properties like flies to shit. Bezos bought up the Washington Post. Twitter seems fitting for Elon.
Tesla was flirting with bankruptcy not that long ago. So much of the industry is predicated on subsidies and tax credits that the Big Three are ultimately working to internalize (re: the Ford Lightning, the Chevy Bolt).
Then there’s a bunch of money propping his firm up that is purely a product of Fed cheap lending.
All the Twitter in the world won’t save Musk once the tide turns.