It was in response to this ex MSNBC analyst going to Ukraine to fight against Russia
I instinctively don’t trust any white leftist whose whole shtick is that they constantly talk about how far right they used to be.
Like, if you were literally a Richard Spencer fan a year ago, maybe it’s not your place to teach or speak with authority on leftist issues. Deprogramming is a long, constant process.
Also, someone who has said he is willing to work with the far right. How on earth is he not equally bad if not worst than Caleb Maupin ot Jimmy Dore?
:side-eye-1: :side-eye-2:
(wasnt an actual nazi just a suburbanite conservative shithead)
Honestly I think that’s the majority of these “ex-Nazis” who say Vaush saved them or whatever. If a contra video essay can deprogram you, you werent actually a nazi. But those who used to be conservative and those who had been legit nazis almost always have the same fucking shit to say “see I will be fascist again if you hold any basic leftist position, you need to be more like nazis”