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naw, I think you’re probs just killing time on Sunday. idk what kind of shift schedule feds have though, maybe it isn’t their weekend.
is there a reason you keep jumping to articles about these splinter cults from NOI while talking about them like they’re the actual NOI? you’re pretty grouchy so maybe that’s what is setting off my spidergirl sense
the feds don’t particularly care about ideology, just that a group of marginalized people is creating a parallel power structure. the org / structure can be dysfunctional, it’s just the act of marginalized people coming together that scares the state.
it’s odd you’re painting the experiences of someone in kansas city as somehow being the same as someone from NYC. even weirder to claim that a breakaway group located in the midwest is the same as the larger group they broke away from. what are your thoughts on the NOI groups in NYC and DC?