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Rich, liberal countries are indeed morally superior and I’m tired of pretending they’re not.
Communist countries are indeed morally superior and I’m tired of pretending they’re not :chad-stalin:
I’m taking this as an excuse to re-post this for circulation: a study using World Bank data that shows Socialist countries outperformed Capitalist countries in 28 of 30 comparisons:
tru, we’re bombarded by RT and other goverment media that paints regimes like Cuba, Russia and Venezuela as the victims of western imperialism and more BS
Very true, that’s why I watch MSNBC
Guarantee this person lives in the capital city of their country and thinks they’re different by consuming nonstop US media while trashing their own country.
What world do these neolibs live in that they are bombarded by anti-imperialist media in the west? Where are these based super popular media outlets?
Pretty sure it’s just Greyzone and a bunch of obscure blogs and newsletters that hold any positions like “Venezuela is a victim of Western Imperialism” in the West. Perhaps they are mistaking their Twitter feed filled with ragefollows for “western media”?
I challenge each and every bloodthirsty imperialist pig in that thread to read Vijay Prashad’s Darker Nations, particularly the chapters on how the IMF and the World Bank forced high interest multi billion dollar loans, austerity, deregulation, labor discipline, and asset stripping, and raw material exports onto the exploited nations, while the CIA and its front groups, to an extent still not entirely declassified, caused the formation of comprador national bourgeois classes in each exploited nation through coups and other forms of direct violence. All this after centuries of colonialism had only just begun to fall apart. Western Europe used the USSR as a meat shield to defeat fascism, absorbed the “former” nazis into their postwar institutions, and then slowly forced capitalism onto a USSR that had never fully recovered from defeating fascism (24 million dead, 2/3 industrial capacity lost). After the USSR was dissolved think tanks like the Victoms of Communism Memorial Foundation were subsidized into existence through bipartisan consensus and began to push far right myths about the defeated USSR with reckless abandon. NATO was formed in 1949 while the Warsaw Pact was formed in 1955. Cooperation between the 1st and 2nd world were possible before that but the bourgeois of the 1st world didn’t want cooperation. They wanted the total capitulation and collapse of the 2nd world, and they wanted austerity and debt peonage for the 3rd world. 1st world social democracy was subsidized by the blood of the 3rd world. The USA sits on top of huge reserves of untapped petroleum while constantly insisting the 3rd world stays underdeveloped and exports their petroleum to the USA. When the 3rd world runs out of petroleum, they will inevitably be blamed by the neoliberal economists for “never developing their economies beyond mono-resource exports” despite the fact that all these neoliberal instituions exist to make sure that they never do develop. People have their countries ravaged by imperialism and attempt to migrate to the 1st world for better wages, where they are then treated as evil hordes destroying the local culture, nuisances at best, and slaves at worst.
And these fucking insufferable smug sociopaths neither know nor care about any of this.
And these fucking insufferable smug sociopaths neither know nor care about any of this.
I’m sure that there’s like a dozen high-level ghoul posters on there who do know those things & would argue that doing all of them was actually good & not having done them before is why they were poor.