from the patsoc dipshit from the barista thread
:lmayo: :amerikkka:
Okay fine. Let me know how tearing it all down with the support of the people goes.
Keep burning those American flags if it’s unsalvageable.
The Russian Empire wasn’t reformed into the USSR though
I never said reformed. I’m saying the nation of people persists through the change.
What nation of people? We’re the embodiment of Patriarchal White Supremacist Capitalist Colonialism. That’s what the US has been about since its founding, and if you don’t like it then good. I don’t either.
We can’t pretend that America was once about democracy and acknowledge the fact that it wasn’t. We can either pretend our best pieces of civic mythos are instead history, or we can reckon with the fact that we’re all so far past the ‘values’ of our founders that we’re going to have to forge a new identity.
The name doesn’t necessarily have to change, but basically everything else about the US does.
Only white Americans give a shit about burning the American flag. Average POC don’t give a fuck. There’s a reason why patsocs are like 99% white with the token white-passing POC like Haz.