I’m just filling the void with mental and social junk food
I think banning it is totally fine and probably necessary.
I don’t think it should be criminalized however. Adults will still get it just fine under a ban and banning might be the only way to reliably keep it away from children
True, regarding keeping it away from children. But if there is a demand for it, won’t it just result in the production of it becoming a sketchy underground market, an environment ripe for abuse? Just throwing some thoughts around, I don’t have any super firm stance on what I think an ideal system for porn would look like.
You bring up good points.
Turning the production of porn into an underground market would be pretty awful.
Yeah same I’m not sure what porn would be like in an equitable society
Coming up with safe, non-exploitive models for sex work that are also not overly restrictive and repressive is a difficult task. I don’t believe in outright bans, but I am neither convinced that the nordic model is the best solution. These problems have no easy solutions IMO.