What is this bullshit?
This guy Caleb Maupin somehow fell into a big pot of money and this is his project, some kind of synthesis of Marxism-Leninism and nationalist patriotic identity. It’s some of the most brainwormed ideology on the planet and Maupin himself is a mega nerd who wears a suit and carries a briefcase everywhere. What you’re seeing there is a confusing array of flags haphazardly thrown together, like the American, some kind of USSR victory flag, China, the Z used by the modern Russian military, and the Donetsk People’s Republic.
They’ve also used a lot of American symbols, like I’ve seen them do these events with a giant sculpture of Abraham Lincoln. Maupin himself is known for writing books about how the primary enemy of socialism is a vaguely defined group of international bankers and if that sounds antisemitic to you, that’s because it is. He’s also a transphobe. Some people think he’s funded by one of those completely weird Russian programs that will offer speaking money for crackpots to be crackpots.
Hold up, do you reckin these Russian programs would fund someone drawing furries holding DPR flags? Asking for a friend.
my understanding of Russian ops is they’re less centralized than something like the CIA, usually what you’re doing is sucking up to some oil oligarch who has weird pet projects and he lets you think you’re his friend
probably a few of those billionaires have goofy sons who are into furry stuff, so I mean it’s not entirely implausible