Those kind of right wingers believe it’s all or nothing, they either have the ability to completely eradicate their enemies or the world is lost. The core of their ideology is a death drive to eliminate the entire world simply to stop any progressive elements from existing. I don’t remember who said it, I think it was someone here, who said the final battle fascists have would be eliminating women. It’s the last distinction they could oppress and kill before destroying themselves.
This kind of thing filters into basic everyday liberals too, who will do things like refuse to call someone racist unless they hear the person vocally say the n-word. Or the whole “I’m not racist, I have black friends.” It’s also a tool to continuously ratchet up the extreme claims the right makes. They have to continue pounding away for more and more domination to make their next mainstream policy seem sane by comparison. It’s mainstream conservative ideology right now that all undocumented immigrants should be shot at the border and all gay teachers are pedophiles, stuff that was fringe just 10 years ago.