Is a small business also “an expensive tool for work”? Most small business owners also work. lol you have just backed yourself into flattening the entire contradiction of interests between private property holders and wage earners, the entire premise of Marxism
Every single one of your arguments also applies to small business owners who are at the whims of a large supply chain or in any debt
actually marx talks about this in terms of piecemeal work. there were plenty of tailors for example that owned property for their work that they wouldn’t have used personally unless they personally wanted to work. they were still considered proletarian but they owned their own tools. at what amount of money for the tool is the qualitative difference in your mind between personal and private? also a big part of why they were proletarian is because that mode of work ultimately drove prices for labor down and they screwed themselves in the long term and so could never become bourgeois.
most of these owner operators will never own a business where they exploit other truckers. that might be their dream but most of them are stuck being workers for a few companies doing long hours with no benefits and labor protections whether they like it or not. there are also many “classical” workers that are scabs and reactionary and don’t see themselves as workers, they have more in common with them than they care to realize
at what amount of money is the qualitative difference in your mind behind personal and private
An amount that is sufficient for barrier to entry for a majority of the population, such that a proletarian class remains. The bourgeoise cannot have their entire population own their own personal means of production, else they lose their entire extractive position as owners of those means of production and they would cease to be the ruling class. Therefore, in any capitalist society the owner-operator class remain smaller than the wage paid classes, partially enforced by markets and by barriers to entry and to high capital costs for means of production.
In terms of these smol bean truckers having to take out debt to get semi-trucks, so what? They still control the asset and extract profits from it, the debt is merely a driving cost and does not fundamentally change the owner-operator trucker’s class nature
You don’t have to have employees to be bourgeois, many petty bourgeois are sole proprietors
I’m not placing a moral category on them, I’m making an objective statement of class nature. Someone who is a sole-proprietor with property they control is not proletarian and is not paid a wage
right but you run into the contradiction that the uber worker by that classification is also bourgeois
also, many people can’t afford to get into debt to buy the car either, so that makes them bourgs as well i guess, that’s a barrier of entry right there and is kinda arbitrary
i also am not placing a moral category on them i just don’t think marx even dealt with the question of piecmeal work in this way either and also i think these definitions are lacking if we walk ourselves into an argument that uber workers that ofen make below minimum wage are bourgs because they own the means of production and dont get paid a wage. owner operator truckers are just a more contradictory example of the above, so if we are classing one group of them as workers we should the other and the quantitative difference in the price of the tools doesn’t matter