he also retweets Jackson Hinkle lol
^ See thats my Point , the Inability to divide Messanger and message , as well as the Inablity to think in “Process” ,…
it is actually insane , because it Denies literally the Concept of “Time”
Max Blumental might have BECOME a Anti Imperialist Journalist BECAUSE HE WAS A CLITNON STAFFER BEFORE ???
You know A Human Beeing that Grows and Learns , and is Wrong “BEFORE” , But Not "WRONG ETERNALLY "
You know Time , the Concept of Time and Change …
A flower transforms into a Fruit , this is her literall Purpose of Existance… to transform out of her one state of exitance to the next Stage …
There is no fucking message because what Blumenthal is selling here is absolutely nothing new as it relates to the left in the US, and instead an attempt to launder the reputation of a fascist right wing movement. Mar-a-lago was either an FBI cleanup operation to save some asses, or just the US deep state duking it out a la Yankees v Cowboys circa 70-80s. It means nothing for the left because the left is going to be targeted, blood drawn if necessary, regardless of what happens to the Cheeto in Chief. Why is Bluementhal so bent on defending downright fascists like Tulsi Gabbard and reactionaries like Dore? If you understand that, then you understand the opportunism of the Grayzone crowd, and then the history of the Grayzone crowd makes sense, and then it should make sense to you that Max Blumenthal has in fact not changed one bit
Tulsi spoke out about the US funding ISIS to fight Assad and was basically banished from US media. Dore just has misinformed takes about things that are kinda radlib.
I don’t see anything wrong with calling out the CIA controlled “left”.
Banished from the media = hosting Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox News, Carlson himself being a noted CIA applicant who was in Nicaragua during Iran-Contra. Or do you think the CIA only has their men in black on one side of the political spectrum?
Dan Bongino was calling the Ukraine war a mistake on his radio show today, should I start waxing poetic about him? What exactly do you think political opportunism is?