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I think you are underestimating how many brutal thankless jobs there are in the world.
I spend 12 hours a day in the cartoon mines. Every day I go down there and risk my life to draw hands on your precious hentai characters. If you want to play PARADISE CLEANING - pregnant ogre - or Orc Massage or even Crypto Girls [18+] - SEXCoin, you thank the fucking cartoon miner who drew those cartoons with tears in your eyes. We built all the hentai around you with our blood.
Right but that is still nothing to the completely inhumane conditions a lot of workers are forced to work in around the world. I don’t disagree that it is labour intensive but it is still nowhere near the level of the most brutal and thankless jobs in the world.
While it is right to highlight the working conditions in mines, the 12-16 hour shifts of hand drawn cartoons on up to 6 days per week (plus sometimes crunch times) in the outsourced animation industry are body breaking. Luckily the situations do shift for most locations to slightly better conditions.
However we don’t have to leave South Korea, Singapore or Japan to see a differentiation in working conditions which might be labeled “better”; but that “better” is working on your bed with tools for digital drawing which cost multiple hundred dollars which still fuck up your wrist and body and also leave you cut off from workers in similar conditions. Someone I know went from SK to Germany to escape the 70+ hour weeks in a small shared apartment room doing that to wait tables and maybe have her wrist regenerate enough that she might be able to draw again (for fun this time).