(The popcorn is buttered or not depending on the viewer of this post)
Edit: what have I done :oh-shit:
I consider veganism to be the simplest test of whether someone is capable of thinking about right and wrong and applying the results to their life.
If a person thinks it’s right to kill someone because of the pleasurable taste of their corpse, their breast milk, or their unfertilized ova, then it’s pretty clear that either that person is confused about the difference between right and wrong or thinks the difference is of little relevance to their actions.
The truth is, to a significant extent, most people are like that. Our moral behavior is informed more by the signals we get from the people around us regarding what behavior is good and what is bad than by a process of moral reasoning. When people sense that they are wrong according to the standards of a group they care about, they adjust their behavior.
In short, this is why /c/vegan is doing more good than the whole rest of this website. Stay based, vegan comrades. Go vegan, carnists.
I’m not sure I buy the model of posting on a shitposting website as an activity capable of moral status.
posting on a niche website does more for humanity than fighting for workers rights in the struggle to rebuild trade and industrial unionism in america.
Global veganism is 100% needed to save the world from global warming. Ever person that bullies someone into becoming a vegan is working to save humanity.
I guess I should amend that to be moral status except for the immediate emotional effect on other posters.
If something works for one person, it must be a good strategy for reaching the masses.
Lol holy shit fuck off
This is the most lib shit I’ve ever fucking seen. Someone call mao.
We’re just handwringing over fucking moralism at this point. What the hell
It so delights me that the comment above yours is unironically posted within a thread lampooning the latest struggle session. And their comment and the ones like it scattered about could quite possibly restart the same struggle session everyone is making fun of.
Not me, though. I’m out. I’m done asking questions for the day.
Yeah I read some of it earlier and decided to bounce off the site for awhile, yet here I am
non-sapient animals aren’t people. Your whole thing here hinges on a cricket having the same moral value as a human and i don’t think you actually believe that either because you’d be like the anti-abortion terrorists if you really thought there was a cow holocaust going on.
its literally just “its bad to hurt and kill thinking, feeling beings that dont want to die when you could just go and eat a bean instead”
its not that hard
so go sabotage equipment then. western infrastructure is fragile you could go Andreas Malm it up and save a lot of animal lives.
there are millions of anti-abortion people who don’t do bombings. most people don’t do adventurism regardless of politics.
When people sense that they are wrong according to the standards of a group they care about, they adjust their behavior.
yeah idealism has been doing great at predicting outcomes so far :so-true:
I mean this is literally how we made supporting trans rights mandatory in leftist spaces. With a little effort we can make leftism synonymous with veganism.
mod log:
Banned sweepy from the community news reason: Running defense for child pornography. {You conflate products of real child abuse with victimless simulations, and say that everyone who consumes either one is a “pedophile”}
meanwhile I get banned for: complaining about someone wishing death on me not getting banned
lmao okay :yes-honey-left: