I will die on the hill of defending Scandinavian cuisine. If you don’t like good bread, seafood, hearty soups, foresty herbs and mushrooms and a shitload of root vegetables, then you’re no friend of mine.
No shortage of all that shit in Asian cuisine. This fight is dumb because all these different food cultures are just regional variations on a broad flavor theme.
Americans just cling to the idea that Chinese Food is PF Chiangs, Scandinavian food is Pickled Shark, and the best thing to eat in the world is pulverized, grilled, and deep fried midwestern livestock.
Call me a glutton but I’ve never not enjoyed a country’s cuisine that’s been prepared well, always feel like internet fights over who has good/bad food is kinda missing the point and people generally make appetising food out of the ingredients that are local to them :shrug-outta-hecks:
I’ll snack on saltine crackers, mostly, and then like a smoothie or something with a similar texture for dinner? Don’t worry, I’ll figure something out - you just enjoy your meal.
I’ll be honest, I don’t really agree with your exaltation of our food, but I can kind of see where you’re coming from. Also, my opinion is heavily biased, since I can’t eat pork for both health and religious reasons, and also because my dad tried to make me like Pickled Herring for a long time, and now I get a light gag-reflex every time I smell it. I will add, to any onlookers, the racist party that OP is talking about has not only more or less monopolized the entire concept of “being danish”, they also seem to only exist to drive our social democrats more and more insane (our SocDems seem to have a strong belief in triangulation, despite never using that word). Culturally the racist party is considered anathema to most people, especially in the major cities, but they have a strong backing among the retired, so despite being a generally right wing party, they don’t really have the same economic agenda as the Tories or Republicans do.
until very recently pork was a rarity.
I kind of disagree with that. Until quite recently meat as such was, if not exactly rare then at least scarce and expensive but when you had meat it would most often be pork (if you discount seafood). After all, pigs were the only animals kept exclusively for their meat.