renuncing communism when i see a health worker take a smoke break :fidel-wut:
Political streamers are bad 100% of the time
lmao I got blasted on this site for saying she came across as being just as insufferable as Destiny. Many NATO leftists have a certain air about them that leftists outside that bubble can easily pinpoint. I’m sorry but any NATO leftist that calls themselves a Demsoc or Anarchist immediately gets a side-eye from me because it almost always leads to shit like this.
NATO leftists
Not a real thing. They’re just imperialists. It doesn’t matter how progressive they are on social issues when they only want equality and wealth redistribution in their country while supporting an organization that does shit like this
It’s hard to tell sometimes. I think some of them, (not all of them, just some of them) sincerely want what’s best for the whole world but are incredibly gullible about 1st world liberal propaganda. So when NATO says “Gaddafi was a dictator doing a genocide so we had to bomb him to save the Libyan people from him!” They believe that. When the IMF says “Our loans and structural adjustment programs help underdeveloped countries get on their own two feet!” They believe that. When America says “We’re intervening to defend freedom and democracy!” they believe that. When someone says “The CIA used to overthrow governments but they don’t do that anymore!” They believe that. They fail to imagine that they’re being lied to about these things. And they draw a false equivalency between Nazis and Communists. The vague notion of “totalitarianism” allows them to imagine that the people who tell them what America is really up to are just a bunch of “tankie conspiracy theorists” who “falsely believe everything bad that happens is caused by the imperial core” It seems like a far-fetched narrative to them. Things are so bad that “those tankies have to be exaggerating! Surely the imperial core can’t be that bad!”
Post it in the emoji suggestion thread
Then when you find it, let me know where it is
I’m a busy man, I haven’t had time to check yet
Remembering when some “breadtuber” agreed on some livestream that nuking North Korea is good.
Think it was the hbomb guy or something.
Ok, She’s a cringe lib and she’s awful for doing shit like this and her pinkwashing photo op with that cop; but come on, she’s nowhere near as horrible as Destiny. He’s 1 scratch away from being a goose-stepping nazi, he literally called for protesters to be shot during the BLM protests because he didnt want them to hurt Biden’s chances. There’s just 2 different levels of bad here and K is way above D
I just have no patience for people who talk shit about Cuba or Nicaragua. To me that’s just as bad. Stay out of Latin America if you’re going to peddle state department bullshit.
Edit: Going to add that yes there’s plenty of room for Nicaragua and Cuba to improve on, especially Nicaragua. But I prefer to hear those criticisms from comrades living in the area and not some NATO leftist that adds nothing new to the conversation. She’s very fortunate to even have a nurse tend to her as a trans women. Go try that shit in Honduras and see what happens. She probably wouldn’t make it out alive with how heavily anti-trans the country is.
Anyone living in a NATO country that parrots state department talking points against these countries are ultimately helping to push a narrative that results in regime change. That regime change would turn Nicaragua into Honduras and Cuba into the Dominican Republic. Both are loyal US puppets that also happen to have extremely high levels of poverty and dogshit human rights. This is why I think that’s on the same level of Destiny advocating police violence against protestors.
There is nobody as insufferable as Destiny.
(content warning insufferable lib)
For the past 2 weeks, Destiny has been promoting that he was going to have Jordan Peterson on his show. On October 2, he told his viewers that he lied to trick people to coming to his show so he could release his new manifesto. He wrote a manifesto called Keffals is an “internet terrorist” and released a 3.5 hour video reading the entire document. The video has 500,000 views.
Thats fair, I took “as insufferable” to mean “equal to” and that’s a bad reading of the comment on my part
Was this while Keffals was actively working to deplatform kf? anyone going after her during that was effectively working in their favor.
That’s resolved, I’m fine criticizing her. This video is cringe and she’s punching left. I also wouldn’t say she was Destiny tier that dude is literally a nazi.
who cares about any of these people
“[insert eceleb here] doesn’t have good enough politics” is a categorically liberal complaint. just ignore them. what next, you’re gonna whine that MSNBC doesn’t air enough gritty fancams?
? Criticizing a popular streamer for stirring up drama with a communist and making anti-communist videos is not liberal. Ignore her all you want but Keffals is a public figure who’s using her platform to spread her anti-communist views and its perfectly fine to want to criticize her for that.
And if we cant criticize the views of streamers then are we also not allowed to criticize v*ush for his crap?
no. shut up about that guy. enough. not only are his politics bad, he’s personally very annoying, and internet marxists who hate him have only made him worse.