Rat going :expert-shapiro: against the even-more-racist freaks
Some beans :soy-cutie: have cooties and should only be eaten by icky girls.
I am so fucking grumpy that people believe this shit. I’m a pretty conflict averse person and will mostly just smile and nod at stuff that people say, because I don’t want to cause a scene. But if someone starts with the whole “soy bad phytoestrogens bad soyboy feminine bla bla bla”, I tend to actually say something. Soy beans are fucking beans, they won’t cause you to grow tits, you fucking idiot, and actual mammalian fucking estrogens from like, milk and cheese exist, and those may (probably not though, but who knows, :im-vegan:) perhaps cause actual tit growth. But soy? Fuck off with that fucking shit, it’s a damn bean, jesus. It’s a fucking bean! What’s wrong with you?
Sorry, I get heated about soy. I love the stuff, and for whatever reason :lmayo: just have issues with a goddamn bean, good god, I can’t handle it.