So much of the commentary around China avoids the question of race
Where’s this article hosted, Breitbart? Every other fucking article about China is either filled with comments about how the ‘Asiatic brainpan is inferior to the European one’ or the article itself is about that
If whiteness is power, Xi is it’s champion
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Stan Grant is the ABC’s international affairs expert
Goddamn what a gig, just spew the dumbest shit you could solicit off of twitter, make it work appropriate, and crowbar together a bunch of words that sound vaguely proper and intellectual
I saw a poll sometime back and like half or more of the country of Australia thinks China is gonna invade them and go to war with them. They are actually deranged. If any of them were actually serious about the idea they’d stop exporting the billions of dollars of coal they export to China. I feel like not contributing to this so called imaginary future war would be kinda important if it was a genuine threat. But Australia has a ton of domestic issues and a good ol “yellow peril” is a good enough distraction as it seems to work quite well.
Not surprising given the “culture” they produce. For those unfamiliar, Tomorrow, When the War Began is about a group of teenagers starting a guerrilla war when Australia is invaded by an unidentified “Asian” force. They never get more specific than that, and the whole series follows essentially child soldiers fighting the evil occupiers.