I just want the swelling on my balls to go down why do I have to taste soap for a week straight to do that?
idk why you don’t like pickles, you can spice them a lot of different ways, you can pickle a lot of different vegetables. Have you never had lime juice quick pickled red onion and jalapenos on a taco? shit’s good
p i c k l e s :darwin-backwards:
I can’t stand vinegar. Ketchup makes me gag. Even just smelling Chiavettas makes me nauseous. My autism has gifted me with the palette of a toddler. Which makes the soap significantly worse tbh.
You could always try to make your own pickles with other sources of acidity. There are a lot of users on here who also looooooove to ferment their own pickles, which iirc does involve vinegar but at first it’s just salt and bacteria do the vinegar thing on their own. I haven’t tried it though so idk how vinegary it would smell/taste. I did try to make some pickles with lime juice instead of vinegar and they turned out okay, but if I did it over again I’d probably do half water, and then 1:1 vinegar and lime juice, because they tasted too sweet.
Do you cook for yourself? Just wondering because I used to be an incredibly picky eater, like, I’d eat buttery white rice as a favorite food/staple but even changing the brand of it would make me gag. But I started to learn to cook and through that process and learning how different flavors are formed and interact I’ve grown to like a lot of different things I wouldn’t have eaten before
There are naturally fermented, vinegar-free pickles. Bubbies is one brand that prepares that way and they’re great