I just want the swelling on my balls to go down why do I have to taste soap for a week straight to do that?
When I was on antibiotics, I could smell everyone’s breath, like the potency was up 10x. it was the worst superpower
Sometimes I wonder how much our sense of smell could be much more sensitive but is generally just numbed and neglected into subconscious territory. I know someone who will sit like 6 feet away from everyone at all times when they’re pregnant because everyone just smells so bad to them.
There are people who can smell medical conditions. Parkinsons in particular has a distinct yeast smell: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/03/23/820274501/her-incredible-sense-of-smell-is-helping-scientists-find-new-ways-to-diagnose-di
cilantro is antibiotics :thinking-about-it: but only for the people who think it tastes like soap :galaxy-brain:
random thought but maybe something salty might help, I know adding a vanishingly small amount of salt to coffee can cut through the bitterness, maybe it’d work with your fucked up antibiotic mouth
try eating a pickle
idk why you don’t like pickles, you can spice them a lot of different ways, you can pickle a lot of different vegetables. Have you never had lime juice quick pickled red onion and jalapenos on a taco? shit’s good
p i c k l e s :darwin-backwards:
I can’t stand vinegar. Ketchup makes me gag. Even just smelling Chiavettas makes me nauseous. My autism has gifted me with the palette of a toddler. Which makes the soap significantly worse tbh.
I once had epididymitis. It was a pretty mild case, thankfully, but enough for me to be quite consistently uncomfortable.
Solidarity and best wishes to your junk, comrade :rat-salute-2:
Fuckin hate that