Which is why you should support China, as a recent Harvard Kennedy School survey found that over 93% of the Chinese people are satisfied with their central government.
https://ash.harvard.edu/files/ash/files/final_policy_brief_7.6.2020.pdf See page 3
Facts don’t care about your feelings
I mean, sure, but let us be realistic about this: The moment you bring up this study and they cannot refute it on the basis of its being CPC propaganda, since it was done by Harvard, they will instead simply shift the goals and claim—in a totally not racist way, of course—that everyone in China is just a drone dancing to the tune of the CPC and thus their opinion cannot be trusted. I am sure you must have seen the screenshot of the post from r/China that did exactly that in the front-page just yesterday.
It’s wonderful too. In order to answer the survey, all the respondents who came through our Great Firewall knew their answers were being monitored. They knew to answer appropriately to raise their social credit score.
It always works out to mutual benefit.