“Dr. Shi and Dr. Zhu also found that the presence of a single Asian student in a class amplifies teachers’ negative assessments of Black and Hispanic students”
Thank goodness :cracker: are here to help.
Sorry for the late reply. My point was that complaining about afirmative action while there are other non academic criteria tbat favor the rich is silly.
I would personaly favor a standarised testing with maybe some problems similar to the ones from olyimpic math that rely more on innate talent and a handicap against rich people or in the case of heavily segregated countries like the us, the dominant ethnicity.
Then again i dont have a colege dergee. I think textbook torrents and later libgen gave me a better education than most colleges could.
My point was that complaining about afirmative action while there are other non academic criteria tbat favor the rich is silly.
I agree.
I would personaly favor a standarised testing with maybe some problems similar to the ones from olyimpic math that rely more on innate talent and a handicap against rich people or in the case of heavily segregated countries like the us, the dominant ethnicity.
I mean, I’d much prefer public universities were run like public libraries. Anyone can gain admittance, classes are first-come first-serve, all the materials are free to use.
Funding is a baseline plus a bonus by membership so the intuition can scale. Accreditation is a standardized test universal to the state that’s offered every six months.
And that’s that.