I would sound like a complete loser if i said that the “original” lore was outside of what was defined in the “scrolls” series of games, they just built on top of it, but alas, that’s what the lore IS now, so there’s no use fighting it. The original lore was not very woke, but the games people have made a huge chud version of it nonetheless.
My favourite bethesthification of the original lore is how the orcs, rieklings and goblins are the only ones that practice male preference in terms of inheriting titles; you read that right, if your firstborn is a woman, she takes the lion’s share of your titles. Anyway, in all the games, 95% of all rulers are men. This is never explained, it’s just a fluke of statistics. Firstborns are never women for some reason, I guess half of them are trans.
Bretons were never supposed to be British, but closer to the people that left for Brittany after the various Germanic invasions.
Redguards are split between various cultures, and they don’t even have the same faith between them, so it’s kinda rich to just call of them Redguards, it’s akin to calling them all “the blacks” which is indeed what the very point of that term is.
Sho on and sho on tugs shirt