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If every investment banker in New York went on strike, nothing would much change in America. If every plumber decided to stop working, every electrician, the country comes to a halt. I mean, literally, not figuratively, literally, it comes to a damn halt.
Tonight I am calling on every American to commence a general strike effective immediately. All campaign donations will go directly to a general strike fund for workers, every cent will put food on a striking worker’s table.
We have a single demand: complete worker ownership of every company. If this demand is not met, we will destroy the global economy with zero hesitation.
This is your last chance for a peaceful transition of power and let me tell you something: you should take it. Because the next step? Well the next step is armed revolution and I’m strapped, Jack. I’m armed to the teeth.
I will make Hồ Chí Minh look like Rachel Fucking Maddow, I swear on the graves of my dead wife and children. Surrend the means of production or we will take it by force and leave your body rotting in the street. No malarkey, I’m a man of my word.