my immediate thought is “no way this guy is 43 if they’re getting a Country The US Is ‘Aiding’ Tattoo and saying they never felt strongly about anything before,” but also I guess you can’t underestimate the whole First White Country America Is Proxy War-ing In Most People’s Memories
It’s the first full-on Internet War™ so people’s interactions have boiled down to shitty memes and cartoons on r ⱻ ddit or wherever, completely detached from the actual conflict and suffering itself. So now, instead of being anti-war as a principle and trying to understand what led to this situation and what can be done to resolve it, it’s easier to pick a side like a fucking football match and wave your flag and if you don’t you obviously support the other guy / team / gang. Because none of it matters - you can come back tomorrow to check the scores and laugh at the Orcs or whatever the fucking fuck.