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like whataboutism thing was made because the West couldnt effectibly criticized the USSR without them showing a worse example in the west, so they made it only to defect attacks against them, and now redditors continue that tradition to this day
I think there’s two approaches you can take to shut down any whataboutism. Each is very effective for one audience but less so for another:
Critical support. Not very effective when you are talking across ideological lines (lib versus left), but very effective when talking to people who share ideological solidarity (the key of course being that you identify why the subject is worthy of critical support, ie is in ideological solidarity with both of you).
Chomsky’s takedown of David Frum’s whataboutism all the way back in 1988. Incredibly effective across ideological lines, but likely to be objected to for those who are otherwise in general ideological solidarity with the speaker/subject of the whataboutism: