It kind of is as it is arresting and punishing people for their subtype of Christian faith. You can’t just expect Russian orthodoxes to switch church to another one anymore than the British could just expect the Irish to switch from Catholicism to Protestantism
This actually kind of happened in this case though. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church - Moscow Patriarchate basically collapsed with the war, and people just moved to the Ukrainian Patriarchate. Same church essentially, just different leadership. The UOC-MP was very small, immediately prior to being banned.
Yeah but to continue with the Irish Catholicism/Protestantism example, it’s not a problem if Irish people decide to convert from Catholicism to Protestantism of their own accord, but it’s definitely fucked up to target Irish Catholic churches.
Yeah, forcing people to switch to the Nazi-regime-preferred branch of the church is still pretty fucked even if it doesn’t impact as many people as you might expect. I wouldn’t say it’s quite as severe as the Catholic/Protestant example because it’s still the same church with the same doctrine but different leadership, but yeah still fucked up and wrong.
I just saw some posts back during the banning, referring to the UOC-MP as the “largest church in Ukraine” which was pretty inaccurate.
Orthodox Christianity is fuckin whack and weird anyways with how the Patriarchs interfere with country politics. We need to resurrect Lenin to sort the whole thing out :lenin-crush-capitalism:
I mean the books of paul do kind of say that Christianity is one body so yeah it kind of is.
Christianity true to form decided to not listen to the instruction to no longer treat people differently based on race due to 16th century fears that not being racist would mean they couldn’t steal from and enslave black people