Also, literally who cares. This isn’t politics. Zoomers and millenials are very left-wing and that hasn’t changer significantly in recent years. This isn’t happening at scales that are shifting the political landscape. Idk why there is an obsession with this shit.
That last one is 100% #nofap.
I think that like PUA stuff, once the toxic elements are removed, nofap isn’t actually a bad idea. I mean young men are so addicted to hardcore porn these days that it’s no wonder many of them getting erectile dysfunction when they finally do get with a real woman. Just like “touching grass” and “logging off” I don’t think it’s a bad thing to abstain from masturbating for a little bit. Especially if masturbation is mentally linked in your mind to porn. If it takes like a few weeks (or in hardcore cases) a few months to deprogram your porn brain, that’s probably for the better. Also, you’ll come to appreciate realistic beauty instead of the “mega hot chicks” in the porn videos.