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Edit: Sorry I’m a :LIB: and I don’t have a link to the tweet, I stole this from :reddit-logo:
Edit2: I am no longer a :LIB:, I found the tweet !
Hundreds of millions is peanuts.
Europe makes $60 billion every single year on trade with the US. They can easily afford to purchase some of our gas. Everyone goes on about how we’re ripping them off, but it’s a lie. Trade is supposed to be equal and benefit both parties. It just goes to show you how pampered and privileged Europeans are that they simply expect this $60 billion as a birthright and when anything decreases it even a little, they throw a temper tantrum.
Hundreds of millions is what the link said.
$26.7 billion is still less than $60 billion. That’s a difference of $33.3 billion. We could cure homelessness with that money. But instead, it goes to a bunch of overprivileged European snotnoses who despise us. Fuck them.
They’ve still got tens of billions to go before we’re equal and trade is fair to both sides. Then, we can talk about running a trade surplus and maybe make some money for ourselves. You know, like Europe has done for decades.