they are also liking and retweeting Maupin and Hinkle, we have people on this site that are members of this party wtf is going on, did they get captured by patsocs ?
they liked a tweet from account named “SpaceLaRouche” this week :data-laughing:
The entire point of performance art like this is to get you thinking along those lines, though. Plus that’s only a problem if you play by their rules.
The FBI is too strong really
Lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooo imagine if we all said that and called it a day. What the fuck kind of cartoon world do we live in. Surrender to the single greatest threat to progress inside US borders, have a happy cry and a shrug because there’s Just Nothing We Can Do, and just shop, water plants and watch youtube videos for the rest of our lives while they build a police state uninhibited. We can just sit inside and cultivate our personal brand identities and neuroses until there’s no one left on earth to impress. We’ve already been doing this for decades and it fucking sucks. If anyone would rather we have more of that same bullshit instead of making ourselves uncomfortable to fight it until we literally can’t anymore (no, we’re not there yet) they can go fuck themselves forever. Join the DSA or PSL even if some guy on tells you not to.